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First day transitioning our toddler to her "big girl" bed

First Day Transitioning our Toddler to her "Big Girl" Bed | momming is hard

Today was the transition into her big girl bed.

With her brother, we used the Time to Wake Clock to get him to stay in bed. For her, I'm using a donut as a reward, because... donuts!! This morning we went to Target and picked out her bedding and a special pillow for her bed. The pom pom pillow is the one she insists using to support her head so I'm sure she'll wake up with some wicked pillow marks on her face tomorrow.

I've been putting this transition off for several months now because it was sooooo hard with her brother (he still consistently gets out of bed when he is not supposed to). As I type this I hear him tip toe to flip on the light in his room. She, on the other hand, has been in bed for an hour, too excited to sleep, but in bed nonetheless. The night is still young so I'm not calling it a success yet! If there is one thing I've learned as a parent it's that you should never let yourself get too cocky about your mad parenting skillz (I felt that needed to be spelled with a z to show how cool I can be).

She is a strong willed girl, who had me anticipating a fight. So far she has proven me wrong, taking her responsibility as a "big girl" very seriously. I've heard her calming and reassuring her hippos about the transition, letting them know "it will be okay."

I'll let you know if she earns her donut date with daddy tomorrow morning.

Did anyone else dread the "big kid bed" and fear losing the ease of the crib (or baby jail as my sweet MIL calls it)?

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